Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tasmand District Council Development Contribution Levies

There has been a lot of talk and publicity latey in regards to the Development Contribution Levies for the Tasman District Council.

The levies on Washbourn Terraces had been set at around $7,500 and with the latest policy change were due to rise to $18,500.

Through public consultation the TDC have delayed these rises and have actually offered a better rate until 1st November 2012.

From what the TDC has informed us the likely Development Contribution Levies payable at Washbourn Terraces are approximately $5,267. Of course we strongly suggest you do your own due diligence on this however this is what has been represented to us by the TDC.

On the positive side it is over $2000 less than they were prior to July 1st.

Please do contact Brent Palmer or Ben Cooper if you have any questions.
